A curated collection of projects showcasing my skills and interests
A project done by me as part of course work, which predicts the price of a property based on the features of the property, using machine learning, and deployed using flask, it uses a logistic regression model, and data is taken from kaggle
Frozen Grid
An custom RL environment created using gym, which is a grid world, where the agent has to reach the goal, without falling into the frozen lake, it uses Q learning and SARSA algorithm to train the agent
A website built by me, for a startup called Jaywin, which imports and exports the goods from India, the website is seo optimised which lead to growth of users of the business
A cool website which lists the upcoming contests, techincal blogs and lists out problems from vjudge to practie them with your groups
A website created to track performance of students of a particular college across different contests, show graphs of their performance
Retinal Image Analysis
A project done by me as part of course work, which predicts the disease of a person based on the retinal image of the person, using machine learning, and deployed using flask and gradio, it uses a convolutional neural network model, and data is taken from OCMNNIST dataset
Implementation of VGG13 using Pytorch
A project done by me as part of course work, which implements the VGG13 model using pytorch, and trained on Custom dataset and achieved an accuracy of 80%